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Welcome Home

How it Describes “My Elmira”

Having lived in a number of different towns in Ontario, we were met with a very warm welcome when we moved to Elmira almost 20 years ago. Elmira is a friendly place with room for everyone, where neighbours gather to chat, people say hello on the street and you make friends with the local shopkeepers. Through this picture, I added details found in Elmira – the clock tower, gazebo, farmer’s market, maple syrup and many more. You might just recognize someone in the picture. Elmira has room for everyone with many instances of kindness shown through helping others during difficult times, or just attempting to find someone’s wayward pet. I did a similar project for the City of Kitchener a few years ago (even though I’ve never lived there!) but was very happy to work on a piece for a town that I love and call home – Elmira. Thanks very much for your consideration!

Artist Statement

With this picture, as in all the art I do, I’m hoping to portray Elmira as a warm, friendly, welcoming place. A place to call home. I like to draw by hand, using ink, and watercolour pencils. My work is cartoon-style illustrations, of which I’ve done many people and characters. I like to add small details that make people and places unique. Sometimes I also work in clay, wool fabric and other mediums. Although my background is in English, I’ve always made lots of room for art.



Watch Lori Zenker’s video to learn more about “Welcome Home”

Artist Bio

As a kid, I gave a picture I’d painted to my grandma, who remarked, “well, she’ll never make money off her art!” I have spent my life attempting to prove her wrong. I cartooned my way through school, have done lots of fun art projects over the years, and sell printable art on Etsy. I’ve called Elmira home for the past 20 years and live here in an old house with my family.