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About the Downtown Elmira BIA

Downtown Elmira BIA Boundary

Our Mission

The Downtown Elmira Business
Improvement Area (BIA) is committed to fostering a vibrant, thriving downtown by enhancing public spaces, supporting local businesses, and driving sustainable
economic growth. We strive to create a welcoming and dynamic environment where businesses flourish, residents connect, and visitors experience the unique charm of Downtown Elmira.

Our Values

Community Collaboration

We believe in the power of working together, fostering partnerships among business owners, property owners, local leaders, and residents to strengthen our downtown core.

Downtown Business Support

We are dedicated to supporting and advocating for local businesses, providing opportunities for growth, leadership development, and shared success.

Downtown Beautification

We are committed to creating an attractive and accessible downtown, investing in projects that enhance the character and appeal of Elmira’s downtown business district.

Leadership & Advocacy

We encourage proactive leadership and strategic decision-making, empowering board members and community stakeholders to drive meaningful change.

Join our Board of Directors

Join the Downtown Elmira BIA Board of Directors and help shape our vibrant downtown. Make an impact, collaborate with local leaders, and gain leadership experience.

Who can join the BIA Board of Directors?

Business owners, property owners, or employees within the Downtown Elmira BIA boundary are eligible.

What is the BIA and what do they do?
  • A BIA is a geographic area in a municipality that allows a group of people (Board of Directors) to make physical improvements through collecting an additional tax levy from businesses within the BIA boundary.
  • The Elmira Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit organization, made up of business owners, employees, and property owners within the BIA Boundary.
  • The Township of Woolwich Council supports the Downtown Elmira BIA and is responsible for appointing members to the board and approving their annual budget.
  • The Downtown Elmira BIA aims to implement and manage beautification projects, promote/support downtown business, and create a sense of community in Downtown Elmira.
What does becoming a board member require of me?
  1. Active Participation: Attend board meetings and actively contribute to discussions and decision-making processes.
  2. Commitment to Action: Be a proactive member who not only shares ideas but also takes initiative and follows through on tasks and projects.
  3. Leadership and Teamwork: Collaborate effectively with other board members, staff, and volunteers, contributing to a positive and productive team environment.
  4. Strategic Thinking: Offer constructive input to help develop strategies and initiatives that drive long-term success and sustainability.
  5. Creativity and Practicality: Balance creativity with practicality, offering solutions and ideas that can realistically be implemented within the BIA’s resources.

The Downtown Elmira BIA Board of Directors is voted into position by their fellow members. If you are interested in being on the Board, please reach out!

Board Meetings

The Downtown Elmira BIA Board meetings are typically held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Township of Woolwich, subject to schedule availability. Meeting dates, agendas and minutes can be found on the Township of Woolwich website.

Our Team

Nathan Cadeau, Interim Chair | Township of Woolwich
Dana Costello, Interim Treasurer | Building Owner
Marlow Orbe, Marketing Coordinator | BIA Employee
Meg Brown, Program Coordinator | BIA Employee
Nathan Cadeau, Councillor Ward 1 | Council
Kurtis Wells, Economic Development & Tourism Officer | Township of Woolwich