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The Elmira Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit organization, representing
businesses and properties in the Downtown Elmira area.

Our Vision

The vision of the Elmira BIA is to have a vibrant and attractive downtown core.

Our Mission

  1. Marketing: To promote the downtown core through the community.
  2. Beautification: To implement and manage beautification projects throughout the Downtown Elmira BIA boundaries.
  3. Economic Development: To expand the downtown and retain current businesses.
  4. Communication: To develop, manage and implement consistent and accurate communication with the Elmira BIA Membership.

What is a BIA?

A BIA is a geographic area in a municipality that allows local businesses and property owners to join together and make physical improvements and promote the local economy. The Council for the Township of Woolwich supports the BIA and is responsible for appointing members to the Elmira BIA and approving their annual budgets.

BIA Meetings

The Downtown Elmira BIA Board meetings are on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Township of Woolwich. Meeting dates, agendas and minutes can be found on the Woolwich Township website.

Board Members

Nathan Cadeau

[email protected]

Interim Chair

Dana Costello

Building Owner
[email protected]

Interim Treasurer

Marlow Orbe

Marketing Coordinator
[email protected]

General Inquiries

[email protected]

Township of Woolwich Representative

Kurtis Wells

Economic Development & Tourism Officers
[email protected], 519-669-6020


Nathan Cadeau

Councillor, Ward 1
[email protected]

BIA Boundary

Get Involved

The BIA Board of Directors is voted into position by their fellow members. If you are interested in being on the Board, send us an email at [email protected]