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Golden Fields of Radiance in Elmira

How it Describes “My Elmira”

Drawing from the idyllic farmland in Elmira, I encapsulate the warm, inviting charm of a summer’s day. The brushstrokes are smooth of the landscape depicted in the car’s windshield, while the open window is textured. The piece encourages you to feel the crops and rolling farmlands as if reaching out of the window to touch the essence of a sunlit, serene day. The painting brings peaceful simplicity and the warmth of summer.

Artist Statement

Growing up in a small town like Elmira over 20 years ago presented its own set of challenges. As the only brown girl in town and in school at the time, I keenly felt my differences. Although I felt resistance from, I was also invited by others to share my family’s cultural food, traditions, and values as a second-generation Canadian-Trinidadian. I then became motivated to share my unique perspective with the world. I realized early on that my experiences and heritage offered a valuable lens through which to view the world, and I was determined to let others see it through my eyes.

My upbringing in Elmira, instilled in me a deep appreciation for diversity and the power of representation. It’s these formative experiences that continue to inspire and inform my artistic endeavours, infusing my paintings with a richness and depth that speaks to the complexity of the human experience. Each piece becomes not just a reflection of my journey, but an invitation for others to see the world through a different lens.

As an artist and academic, my journey has been shaped by a diverse range of experiences. From my extensive background in Media, Marketing, and Music to my academic pursuits culminating in a PhD in Media Studies, I’ve always sought to explore the intricate intersections of culture and expression. My TEDx talks and features in prominent media outlets have allowed me to share my insights with a wider audience. In art, I continue to share my perspective through the world in vibrant colours and bold compositions.



Watch Dr. Amara Pope’s video to learn more about “Golden Fields of Radiance in Elmira”

Artist Bio

Dr. Amara Pope, Ph.D., effortlessly blends her roles as an artist and scholar. With a captivating TEDx talk and features in prestigious media outlets, alongside her position as a Board Member for CAFKA, her accomplishments are evident. Drawing inspiration from her upbringing in Elmira, her original varnished oil and acrylic paintings exude authenticity. She brings a unique perspective to her work, offering viewers a captivating exploration of the interplay between media, culture, and race, inviting them into her world of creativity and introspection.